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We at Dalitso believe that there is a someone made for every role. We just need to find that someone. we just need to REACH THE UNREACHED!!!!!

Imperative quest for the “Right People”

Having the “the right people on the bus” is one of the avant-garde concept proposed by James Collins in his book, Good to Great: Why Some Companies prosper and Others wither. Collins researched over 1400 companies and unearthed a set of ideas that when incorporated and executed, differentiated great companies from their “good” counterparts.

The right people are driven, self-motivated and in control. No business will ever achieve or surpass its potential with the right strategic direction but the wrong people. As Jim Collins says, “Great vision without great people is irrelevant”.

The right people must share the same core values as the organization. Unfortunately core values can’t be taught – you can’t force someone to change their behavior to correspond to the values of the organization. All great companies have cultures that are so tight, they're almost cultlike. Remember “One cannot give what he hasn't got”.

The right people do not require managing – they may need training or counseling to ignite the fire and realize their full potential, but they do not need to be “nursed”. They are self-starters and highly focused.

The right people are wired to be the best of breed in their roles, impelled with high maturity of skills.

The right people are “productively neurotic” and understand the difference between “having a job and holding a responsibility.”

If you do not see any of the above demonstrated by your people –


DALITSO’s Offerings


Recruitment & Staffing

Maybe it’s time to infuse some fresh blood, fresh pair of eyes who have been there and done that! Yes, it is a good sign, a sign that your company is growing and needs more hands to help build it further. We can help you with all your needs. Bring in the senior leadership, the C level executives The specialist... read more

Mentoring, Leadership and Motivational

Maybe it’s time to sit the people down and press the reset button! Imbibe discipline of personal mastery, the art of thinking systemically. Make sure you take the right fork in the road and channelize all the resources on it. Happy minds are productive mind... read more


It’s surprising the out of the box thinking and the adaptability that some of the young Turks exhibit. Why not leverage it! In the ever changing world we need to have a hot bed of ideas. Success is not the key to happiness.Happiness is the key to success.Yes, finding the right people the right... read more


Dalitso’s leverages the industry stalwarts as its advisors; that offer deep knowledge and experience across a range of sectors. While industries undergo transformation and increased complexity, we source the right people from vast & diverse pools of talent located all across the globe. Yes the world is shrinking and one needs to leverage it for the winning edge.

Dalitso imbibes the culture of sharing and collaboration, combined with innovative thinking, and processes and technologies that surpasses the expectations. Yes, we endeavor to deliver more than “the ask”.

Executive search is a function of global and economic change. In many ways it is the driver rather than laggard. Dalitso invests to identify and understand these changes at its earliest stages. Our industry practices therefore ensure that we are positioned to counsel clients and work out the optimal solutions. Remember, Profits don’t just happen – it’s a perpetual search for the ever shifting profit zone. The early bird catches the worm. Cash is no longer the king, talent is the value driver.

We are able to understand the business context and tailor our search strategy accordingly. Resulting in the identification of value creators. Yes we try to match the DNA of the company with that of the people.

We believe that in today’s world it’s paramount to keep an open and transparent communication. Our teams keeps all the stake holders always informed in a structured and palatable way. Ensuring no loss of efforts or unnerving surprises.

The foundation of any long term relationship is high morality and pristine ethics.


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